Cameroon- World Bank Cooperation: The Interim Country Director at the World Bank in Cameroon at MINEPAT.

Cameroon- World Bank Cooperation: The Interim Country Director at the World Bank in Cameroon at MINEPAT.

The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development Alamine Ousmane Mey has received in Audience the Interim Country Director at the World Bank in Cameroon, Elisabeth Huybens this 1st February 2023 in Yaounde.

Speaking to the Press after the Audience, Elisabeth Huybens disclosed that, the objective of the visit was to take stock of the progress made in terms of the existing cooperation between the World Bank and the Cameroon Government and to discuss on pending programs for execution.

Highlights were made on the significant and positive realization of the Budgetary Support Program, the milestones of the Prevention and Resilient Allocation funding window as well as the reforms targeting the energy sector.

She further explained that the main programs discussed during the audience which have already been approved and yet to be made effective by the World Bank Board of Directors are; the Decentralization Governance and Resilient Communities project, the Douala-Djamena road/railway Corridor and the Douala Mobility Project. Elisabeth Huybens equally listed some programs which they will take to the board very soon, which include works on the Mora-Dabanga-Kousseri road amongst others.

Previous Cameroon-Britain Cooperation: Uk Business mission at MINEPAT for new Prospects                                             

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