Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey granted an audience to the IMF mission led by Mrs Cemile Sancak, on Monday, 8 May 2023 in Yaounde. They were on a working visit as part of the 4th review of the Economic and Financial Programme (EFP) concluded with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the 2021-2024 period, backed by the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF).
Discussions between MINEPAT and the Head of the IMF mission, Cemile Sancak, focused on the objectives of the IMF mission to Cameroon. They also talked out the performance of the Economic and Financial Programme (EFP) signed with the International Monetary Fund for the 2021-2024 timeline, supported by the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). Recent developments and prospects for Cameroon’s economy were also on the agenda. From the mission’s agenda, several other issues of interest included pricing policy and subsidies for consumer goods; the NDS30, budget policy and medium-term debt strategy; the prioritisation, assessment, maturation, implementation and follow-up of investment projects, among others.
At the end of the audience, Mrs Cemile Sancak indicated that, emphasis had been placed on the prerequisites for the private sector’s development in particular and Cameroon’s economy on the whole. She also stated that as part of the macro-economic framework, Cameroon authorities are working on an Amending Finance Law for the 2023 budget. As far as the 2024 Finance Law is concerned, Cameroon is working on a number of reforms to improve revenue collection, the efficiency of public expenditure and strengthening of its governance, to name but a few.